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Processional Map Image Long Description
The image is a layout map of the Mississippi Coliseum and Trade Mart located at High Street in Jackson, MS, that includes procession guides for faculty, hooders, platform parties, and students for UMMC Commencement services. The map includes a bird’s eye view of the Coliseum and Trade Mart with colored boxes and arrows (designating walking paths) for lineup and procession into the Coliseum Arena.
Robing and Line Up
Degree Candidates
All degree candidates should enter the Trade Mart through the Mississippi Street Entrance located on the north side of the Mississippi Coliseum and must assemble by 9:30 a.m. in the Trade Mart, in the area designated for their school.
- Students will robe and line up by school and degree program in the following order:
- The School of Health Related Professions (SHRP) students will robe and line up by degree program and level in the northeast and center area, then follow the orange processional walk, an orange colored arrow on the map, through the northside tunnel to their designated area on the west side of the Coliseum floor.
- The School of Nursing (SON) will robe and line up by degree program and level in the center area, then follow the peach-colored arrow which enters the Coliseum floor behind the Platform.
- The School of Dentistry (SOD), John D. Bower School of Population Health (SOPH), School of Medicine (SOM), School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences (SGSHS) students, and MD/PhD candidates (who will gather with SGSHS) will robe. Graduates will line up by school, degree program, and level in the southeast and center area of the Trade Mart, then follow the purple-colored arrow that enters the Coliseum floor on the south side of the Platform.
Platform Parties and Hooders
The Platform parties, including members of the Board of Trustees, and all Hooders should enter through the Midway Entrance (southside of the Coliseum) to robe in the southeast corridor between the Trade Mart and the Coliseum. Then:
- Platform parties will line up in the southeast corner of the Coliseum closest to the Midway Entrance.
- Faculty Hooders will line up in the northeast corner of the Coliseum closest to the Mississippi Street Entrance.
Faculty should enter the Coliseum using the Midway Entrance (southside). Faculty should take a left to the “Blue Room” for robing. Faculty will line up in the southwest corner.
The order of Commencement procession is as follows:
- Platform Parties
- Faculty Hooders
- Faculty and Graduates
Graduates will enter the Coliseum Arena in single file lines in the following processional order:
- School of Nursing candidates (following the Hooders) on the southeast side
- School of Medicine candidates, John D. Bower School of Population Health candidates, School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences candidates, and MD/PhD candidates on the southeast side (following the Platform parties)
- School of Health Related Professions candidates on the northside and School of Dentistry candidates on the northwest side
Faculty will process into the Coliseum Arena in a single file in the following processional order:
- Guyton Professors
- Regions TEACH Prize Recipient
- The Nelson Order
- The Academy for Excellence in Education
- All remaining faculty, regardless of rank
Regalia Return* and Diploma Pick-Up
On the top of the image is a diagram of the Trade Mart with designated areas marked for regalia return and diploma pick-up
Students should return regalia before picking up their diplomas.
Starting from the northside along the northside wall, diploma pick-up stations are as follows:
- School of Nursing
- School of Health Related Professions
- School of Dentistry
Starting from the northeast side along the east wall, diploma pick-up stations are as follows:
- School of Medicine
- John D. Bower School of Population Health
- School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences
The Commencement regalia return station is next to the SGSHS diploma pick-up station.
*Faculty should return regalia at the west side of the Coliseum.
- At the top of the map is a black left arrow labeled Interstate 55. To the left of the map is a black vertical line labeled High Street. The map label Processional in at the bottom left.
- The venue is represented by a rectangular area for the Mississippi Trade Mart below the Interstate 55 label and a circular area near the bottom right for the Mississippi Coliseum. The entrances to the coliseum are labeled Mississippi Street Entrance on the left and Midway Entrance on the right. Thin lines to the left of the Mississippi Street Entrance represent the parking lot and driveway that lead to High Street.
- With some exceptions, the following colors are used to represent schools or areas:
- Blue – Robing, lineup, diploma pickup and regalia return areas; School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences.
- Green – School of Medicine
- Pink – School of Nursing
- Orange – School of Health Related Professions
- Purple – School of Dentistry
- Gray – School of Population Health
- The following designations are indicated on the map at the Trade Mart:
- Bottom left – Red vertical line with a label of Graduates Enter the Trade Mart Here points to the main entrance with the women's restroom to the left and the men's restroom to the right. The lobby, in orange, follows the restrooms and reaches to the rear of the coliseum. Smaller entrances run along the perimeter.
- The general space of the Trade Mart in peach has the following areas labeled as blue rectangles from left to right:
- Vertically from top to bottom: SOD Diploma Pick Up, SHRP Diploma Pick Up, SON Diploma Pick Up
- Horizontally from left to right: SOM Diploma Pick Up, SOPH Diploma Pick Up, SGSHS Diploma Pick Up, Regalia Return. Below these areas is the SHRP Graduates Robing and Line Up area.
- SON Graduates Robing and Line Up
- SOD, SOPH, SOM, SGSHS Graduates Robing and Line Up
- A women's restroom and men's restroom are on the left and right of the general space.
- At the right end of the lobby is a blue rectangle labeled Platform and Hooder Robing.
- The following designations are indicated on the map at the coliseum:
- Top left in blue: Hooder Line Up
- Top right in blue: Platform Line Up
- Right in blue: Blue Room Faculty Line Up
- Bottom in blue: Faculty Regalia Return
- Left in red letters: Guest Seating on the 2nd Floor
- Bottom left in red letters: Elevator (two locations labeld with red lines)
- Top center to the southwest of Hooder Line Up: Platform
- Two columns of seating areas appear as rectangles.
- Column 1: Hooders in yellow, Nursing in pink, Health Related Professions in orange
- Column 2: Dentistry in purple, Medicine in green, Pop Health in gray, Graduate & MD/PhD in blue, Faculty in white
- A label of Tunnel runs vertically to the left and right of each column
- Thin lines throughout indicate seating, stairs, the choir stand, aisles and entrances.
- These arrows appear on the map from the Trade Mart to a seating area in the coliseum:
- An orange arrow goes from SHRP Graduates Robing and Line Up to Health Related Professions.
- A yellow arrow goes from Hooder Line up to Hooders.
- A pink arrow goes from SON Graduates Robing and Line Up to Hooder Line Up.
- A purple arrow goes from SOD, SOPH, SOM, SGSHS Graduates Robing and Line Up to Dentistry.
- A green arrow goes from Platform and Hooder Robing to Platform Line Up, and another green arrow goes from Platform Line Up to the Platform.
- A blue arrow goes from Blue Room Faculty Line Up to Faculty.